Prior to listing the items on the COMC marketplace, our expert team carefully assesses each item to represent it accurately. Please review the description and images prior to purchase to ensure this item meets your satisfaction. Unless otherwise noted, all Vintage trading cards manufactured 1980 and before are in Excellent (EX) condition or better and all Modern trading cards manufactured after 1980 are in Near Mint-Mint (NM-MT) condition or better.
COMC is proud to offer individual front and back scans for nearly all of the 22 million items available for sale on our marketplace. If you’d like a closer look at a unique item you’re considering buying, hover over the image and select “Zoom”. To see the backside of the card, click on the image while in “Zoom” or click "Turn Over". If you have additional concerns about the condition of a card, you are welcome to submit a Correction Request by clicking “Report Error” or email our customer service with any questions.
For some of the Elite items listed on, you might see additional tags denoting condition in the item’s title. This indicates that the item has been subject to a COMC Raw Card Review where 2-3 COMC team members independently examine the physical item and determine the condition rating of the item using industry-standard terminology. Please note that these tags are based on our own assessment and opinion; they are not a guarantee from COMC of a future third-party grade (BGS, PSA, SGC, etc.).
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