The Inventory Manager displays all items owned in your COMC inventory. The Inventory Manager can be found under the Seller Menu on the left side of your Dashboard shown below:
You may search your Inventory Manager by using the same search details you used to search the COMC database. Search terms such as sport, year, brand, player, team location or name and card or item number can be used to find specific cards. The Inventory Manager also has a dropdown allowing you to sort you inventory by a variety of factors such as Recently Acquired or Highest Asking Price.
One of the most common uses of the Inventory Manager is to set or update prices for your items. This process of setting or changing a price has a dedicated article here. Once a price has been set or updated, the change only takes a few seconds to go into effect.
The Actions Button
Next to each item in your Inventory Manager is the 'Actions' button. Hovering over the Actions button will result in a pop-out with five options for your item.
Add to Shipment
This option will flag the item to ensure it is included in the next shipment request you make. If this option is unavailable or 'grayed' out, it is likely because this item has already been selected for inclusion in your next shipment request.
Send to Auction
You may use this option to send your item to auction. Click this option and send it to either our 7-Day or Live Auction services. Live Auction spots fill up fast, if you do not see this option available it is because the week's corresponding Live Auctions have already been filled. For 7-Day auctions, we recommend items with a sale price of $20 or more. Depending on the item, you may be asked to pay a $2 reprocessing charge before the item can be sent to Auction. Please note, our minimum Auction fee is $3.50. This sum is charged upon completion of an auction even if no bids are received or if your item ends below this amount. You may learn more about our Auction services here.
Submit for Grading
COMC is proud to offer a number of third-party grading and pre-review options. Selecting this option will show all our grader partners and our own pre-review choices available for your item for you to choose from.
Reprocess As Elite
Reprocess as Elite provides items with a more attractive, higher-quality scan. Reprocessing as Elite is also required in order to list an item over $100 if it had not previously been processed as Elite. The reprocessing charge of $2 is charged upfront, and your item is removed from your account while reprocessing occurs.
Request Correction
If you notice an identification issue with one of your items, you may quickly and directly alert our Team to any error by using this option. A pop-up list of common issues appears or you may write your own description of the issue. Please be sure to use this option strictly for issues related to identification. For all other issues, please contact us at
Donate to Charity
Selecting this option will transfer the card from your account to our Charity account. This is a special account that will not be charged any fees. When cards sell we will donate 80% of the proceeds in your name and the other 20% in our name.
We are agreeing to donate all of the fees we would have charged if you donated the funds you would have received from doing a cash-out after the sale. 80% of the sale price will be tax-deductible for you, and the normal fees will be tax-deductible for us.
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