We’re pleased to announce our new discounted consignment service, COMC Fresh Pulls! Effective immediately, we’re offering 50% off processing fees for all newly released trading cards consignments. From Baseball to UFC, we’re seeing more releases drop every week. Fresh Pulls offers a competitive rate for sellers to get their newest cards listed early when they are most in demand.
Receive 50% off consignments for newly released sets submitted using the Elite, Select, and Mailbox processing service levels!
COMC Fresh Pulls eligibility requirements
- Newly released cards can be included in Mailbox, Elite, or Select submissions.
- Eligible items do not need to be separated when submitting with other cards. The discount will automatically apply to each qualifying card.
- Cards must be received at COMC within 90 days of the hobby release date to qualify for a discount.
- Eligible sets will change as we see new releases in the hobby.
- Regularly added continuation sets are NOT eligible for the discount (Project 70, Living Set, Topps Now, etc.)
- Please note, the Minimum Submission Fee will still apply. For our Select submission level, the Minimum Submission Fee is $10.
Check out the Fresh Pulls New Release List here for some of the eligible sets.
How is the discount applied?
- Select normally $1.00 – now $0.50
- Elite normally $2.00 – now $1.00.
- The 50% discount applies to the per-item fee and graded, encased, and oversized fees. For example, a Select oversized would normally be $4 ($1 per item + $3 oversized fee). Now a newly released Select oversized card would be just $2.
- The discount does not apply to the Mailbox package fee, toploader removal fee, or the missing/incorrect paperwork fee.
As new sets become eligible for COMC Fresh Pulls, they will be published and updated on the COMC Blog and COMC Social Media pages!
For questions regarding the eligibility of products, please email freshpulls@comc.com. For all other inquiries, please contact our Customer Service team.
Follow us on social media @checkoutmycards and the COMC blog for the latest updates!
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