Buyers have 14 days from the date of delivery to request a return if they receive an item that is not as described.
If you did receive an item not as described, please contact us and provide the following information.
- Photo of any damage description of item(s), and reason for return
- Item number(s)
- Order number
- COMC username
There is no time limit for a buyer to return a fraudulent item. Any item we confirm to be fraudulent (altered or counterfeited to deceive a buyer and increase its value) will be returned to the original consignor and the consignor's account will be debited the amount of its most recent sale price plus any subsequent condition review or grading fees incurred via COMC. A $10 fee will also be charged to the consignor to offset the costs involved with return shipping and investigation.
Please refer to the COMC Return Policy for current information regarding return eligibility.
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