If you are encountering any issues on COMC, it is best to provide the following information in order for our agents to have the best understanding of the error you are experiencing.
The most helpful information would be a screenshot of the page or error message that your issue relates to.
If you are using a Windows product, your keyboard will look like the below. To screenshot the page, simultaneously hit the 'Windows' button and 'Print Screen' button as circled on the image below.
You may then go to your email provider and draft your email to staff@comc.com. You may add your screenshot to your email by using the 'Attach' button that usually appears as a paper clip icon, shown below.
Clicking the Attach button brings up a screen which shows the files saved on your computer. You can find your screenshot under Photos and then in your Screenshots folder displayed below. You may enter into the Screenshots folder, click on the screenshot you wish to include on your email and hit 'Save" which will attach your screenshot to the email.
Other useful information which may aid COMC Customer Service is the following details about the device and browser you are using to interact with COMC.
1. What web browser and version is being used (e.g., Internet Explorer 11, Edge 16, Chrome 62)?
2. What device and model are you using (e.g., iPhone, Nexus 6S, Galaxy, Laptop, Desktop)?
3. What OS (operating system) are you using ((e.g., Windows, Mac OS , Chrome OS, Android, iPhone)?
4. What version are you using ((e.g., version 11.2.6)?
5. Are you in compatibility mode? (If you do not know what Compatibility Mode is, please disregard this question.)
6. Have you tried clearing your web browser cache/cookies? Please be aware that clearing your cookies will result in your your shopping cart being reset. (Any items that you currently have within your shopping cart will be lost and will need to be added back manually. You may use our 'Watchlist' to keep an eye on items you are interested in. If you record one item's item number, it may be possible for our agents to restore your cart.)
For all technical issues, it is best to reach out to COMC customer service at staff@comc.com
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