To convert some or all of your store credit to cash, simply visit the Cash Out Store Credit page and request to have cash sent to your PayPal account or to have a check mailed.
When you do decide to convert some store credit into cash, the cash-out fee will be 10% of the store credit you choose to convert.
Please Note: Buyers can receive a 100% refund of store credit purchased within the last 30 days by using the Request Refund option on the Cash Out Store Credit page.
Example Store Credit Conversions
- $23.23 credit => $20.00 cash
- $112.12 credit => $100.00 cash
- $444.45 credit => $400.00 cash
- $1,111.12 credit => $1,000.00 cash
Extra Fees
Small Cash-Outs
There is a $1 store credit fee when converting less than $250.
There is a $5 store credit fee when requesting a check to be mailed anywhere in the United States.
There is a $15 store credit fee when requesting a check to be mailed outside the United States.
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