Every item consigned with COMC is represented by a high-quality front and back scan of the actual item. This means the item you see is the item you will receive!
A small fraction of items on COMC are represented by stock images. These items have 'Stock Image' superimposed directly on the center of the card's front and back. Stock image items are uncirculated items provided to us directly from the manufacturer.
What is an uncirculated stock image?
A stock image is an image of a single copy of an item that represents identical copies of that item. When you purchase or own an item that utilizes a stock image, you will receive an identical copy of the item in the stock image, but not the specific item that was used to create the stock image.
What items on COMC use an uncirculated stock image?
Only certain uncirculated items we received directly from a manufacturer are represented on COMC using stock images.
How do I know if an item on COMC is represented by an uncirculated stock image?
Items represented with a stock image display the text uncirculated – stock image underneath the image of the item. If an item does not have this text underneath it, the item features a front and back scan unique to that specific item.
Why are certain items represented by uncirculated stock images instead of receiving a unique scan?
Manufacturers who partner with COMC are offered the option to have their items processed using stock images when they send us large uncirculated quantities of the same item. Because these items are presented to us new from the manufacturer, we can provide the more efficient stock image processing option.
Do consigned items use uncirculated stock images?
No. Stock images are only used for certain uncirculated items that COMC receives directly from card manufacturers. Every item consigned to COMC receives front and back images unique to each individual item.
I would like to see a unique image of my uncirculated stock image item so I can make a grading decision.
When making a grading decision, it’s beneficial to see front and back images of the actual item so you can inspect its finer details. Our COMC Review service provides unique front and back images of the item and our assessment of the item’s condition. For best grading results, we recommend using the COMC Reprocess as Elite service to be provided with an exact, higher-quality scan.
You can submit any supported trading card for Reprocessing by selecting 'Reprocess as Elite' from the Actions menu in your Inventory Manager.
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