Sometimes answers to COMC Challenges are ambiguous, and, in some cases, enough users have verified an incorrect answer, which causes our system to note an incorrect answer as correct. This results in a user not receiving points for a given answer if they specify the correct answer when the majority of users have specified an incorrect answer.
As an example. when card manufacturers use fonts that make 0 and 8 look similar, fellow Challenger contests may submit “18” instead of the correct “10”. To combat this, our staff periodically review Challenge answers to ensure that user-verified answer are correct. As of December 2020, our team is focusing primarily on reducing our backlog of consignments and shipment requests as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Internal review of COMC Challenge answers is as a result a low-priority task and has no guaranteed timeframe for completion. More general support of COMC Challenges is also unavailable for the duration of the pandemic.
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